The arbitration system in Allegheny County provides for simple and concise pleadings and a trial of the issues enabling the parties to resolve claims. Our Pittsburgh arbitration lawyers help clients through all kinds of arbitration in state and federal court throughout Western PA.1. Complete the attached Arbitrator Application form. 2. Complete a W-9 form found in the Arbitration forms section on the Civil. The panel of Arbitrators shall typically include a minority of Arbitrators who were or are affiliated with the automobile industry. vi. The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. Or, you can get the form from the Court Clerk in the court. See page 31 for Small. Policies requiring that most types of vehicle purchases be included in the annual operating budget. COM WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF YOUR PURCHASE OR LEASE TO OPT-OUT OF THIS ARBITRATION PROVISION.