PLEASE REMEMBER you are still the arbitrator in the case until you have received a minute entry from the Superior Court saying that you are excused. Rule 73(c), "On written motion showing good cause, the presiding judge or that judge's designee may excuse a lawyer from the list of arbitrators.You must complete the "Claimant" and "Respondent" portions on the front of a Submission Agreement. In the blank spaces provided for the claimants' names, you. B. The court may waive the arbitration requirement on a showing of good cause if all parties file a written stipulation waiving the arbitration requirement. C. Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. Find out how to get an arbitrator appointed and the appointment process. The Court took issue that the arbitration provision was not presented in a separate document or even separate section. (d) JAMS does not maintain an official record of documents filed in the Arbitration. -All other members of the State Bar of Arizona residing in other counties who have agreed to serve as arbitrators in the county where the court is located.