ONLINE PROPERTY TAX ARBITRATION SYSTEM - AVAILABLE NOW Visit Texas. The Texas lemon law is in place to protect auto buyers in the state of Texas that purchase a vehicle with an original warranty from a dealer or manufacturer.5 days after purchase I found 2 rental agreements in the glove compartment. So my question is, is this something that's common and I shouldn't be concerned about it, or should I back out from buying the vehicle? Our staff will discuss the arbitration process and enter your contact information into the system. Upload your completion certificate in the online arbitration system as part of your application. For questions on mandatory auto arbitration laws or subrogating auto insurance claims, contact Lee Wickert, with MWL, at 8006379176. A mandatory binding arbitration clause in a car loan states you agree to resolve any disputes with an arbitrator rather than the courts. Q: I signed arbitration agreement when buying new car at dealership. It states that all claims and disputes must be.