You sign an agreement to accept the arbitrator's decision whether you win or lose. Should a party object to the arbitrator's refusal to disqualify himself or herself for cause, the party may apply to the arbitration commissioner for a ruling.The majority of US employers now require new employees to sign a mandatory agreement to arbitrate any significant disputes that arise between them. What is binding arbitration? Binding arbitration involves the submission of a dispute to a neutral party who hears the case and makes a decision. What exactly are you agreeing to when you sign an arbitration agreement? Learn the basics of arbitration and weigh the pros and cons before signing one. A New York State trial judge calls out New York State's longstanding heightened standard of proving the making of an agreement to arbitrate. Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues. This Agreement will then be filed as part of.