An arbitration agreement is a provision in a contract that stipulates that any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved through arbitration. Submit a completed Agreement to Arbitrate form to the Fee Arbitration Program Administrator,.Please see the Arbitrator's Almanac for additional information on nonbinding arbitration in Florida's trial courts. Many contracts have mandatory arbitration provisions. You must complete the Request for Arbitration form and send it, along with copies of all documents requested in the form, to the Office of the Attorney General. CACE, Civil Action Central, CACE15085978. Call Martindale Law today at 954-472-5645 or contact us online to schedule a consultation at our Broward County. The method for changing the terms and conditions or requirements of a contract or agreement beyond what is specifically provided for in the contract. Arbitration, not to be confused with mediation, is a form of alternative dispute resolution for resolving disputes outside of court.