Arbitration agreements in nursing home cases have become increasingly common in California as a way for the industry to conceal wrongdoing. Nursing homes cannot require you to sign an arbitration agreement and cannot present an arbitration agreement as part of the Standard Admission Agreement.Arbitration agreements in nursing homes are contracts that residents or their representatives may be asked to sign during the admissions process. Both state and federal law prohibit nursing homes from requiring arbitration agreements to be signed as a condition for admission. In the nursing home context, a defense attorney can easily establish that an admis- sion agreement was executed for the res- ident's benefit. Add the name of the selected residents in the resident box on the Arbitration screen and identify the reason the resident is being selected. Entering into an arbitration agreement is more than simply filling out paperwork; it waives the principal's right to a jury trial. In 2012, a U.S. Supreme Court ruling made it legal for nursing homes in New York State to use and enforce arbitration agreements in admission contracts. The Supreme Court ruled that nursing home arbitration agreements are binding. Nursing homes must explain the arbitration agreement to residents and advise them that signing is not mandatory.