The Request and Agreement to Arbitrate form assists members in filing for arbitration where they believe that they are the procuring cause. An arbitration agreement is a legally binding clause in which two parties agree to settle disputes out of court.An arbitrable matter exists when there is a monetary dispute between two managing brokers of two separate offices as it relates to co-op commissions. First, find out if your purchase is eligible for arbitration, then go to your Purchases and select the vehicle you want to arbitrate. They should set out everything you have agreed to, including price, interest rates, length of payments, and total cost of the vehicle including all charges. If you have suffered consumer fraud, call 630-333-0000 for a FREE Consultation. Auto Fraud - Chicago Consumer Law Lawyer. Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case. I have an Arbitration clause. Contact us today online or at 630-333-0333 for a free and confidential consultation with an auto defect lawyer in the Chicago area.