Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements.As set out in Section D below, all arbitrations will be conducted on an individual basis, and there shall be no class or collective actions in arbitration. B. Often included in this stack of new hire paperwork, however, is a document called an "arbitration agreement. The American Arbitration Association® ("AAA®," "the Association") applies the Consumer Arbitration Rules ("Rules") to arbitration clauses in agreements. What is an arbitration agreement? Written contracts may contain an arbitration clause. By using such a clause, the parties agree to arbitrate any future disputes. Mandatory arbitration agreements can now be find in virtually every contract consumers sign. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that courts will determine arbitrability, i.e.