The Court of Appeal found the paragraphs dense, spanning two singlespaced, lettersize pages filled with statutory references and legal jargon. Supreme Court Approves Arbitration Agreements that Preclude Participation In Class Action Lawsuits.Use this form for transfer of civil cases to arbitration. When an agreement to arbitrate is included in a contract, it can serve to expedite peaceful settlement without the necessity of going through the arbitration. Having determined that the Agreements created an arbitration process, the court declined to determine whether it should recognize a federal mediation privilege. Given the Federal Circuit's nationwide jurisdiction, that court's recent decision on. ADR agreements in Kimberly-Clark v. Typically, the parties' agreement to mediate or arbitrate is contained in a future-disputes clause in their contract; the clause may provide that any. File any motion to compel arbitration under the contract. The parties took discovery in the trial court, see, e.g.