Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case. For a court to find a contract term unconscionable and thus unenforceable, a party must show that both elements are present in the transaction.On May 24, 2024, the California Court of Appeal held that USC's arbitration agreement with its employee, Pamela Cook, was unenforceable. Our original ClauseBuilder online tool assists individuals and organizations in developing clear and effective arbitration and mediation agreements. A. Type in 99500 in the Case Cross Reference Number box. b. An arbitration clause precludes your disgruntled client from filing suit against you or your company. Our Partner, Ira Rivin, describes how arbitration agreements in corporate contracts function and how dangerous it is to ignore them. The Request and Agreement to Arbitrate form assists members in filing for arbitration where they believe that they are the procuring cause. ➢ Even though you are representing yourself, you MUST fill out this section. This really can vary depending upon your state, and what the Arbitration Clause states.