Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution. It is a way for private parties to sort out disagreements according to agreed-upon rules.Fill out the form below to share the job Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Learn More About the Arbitration Process in Texas and How It Helps to Resolve Disputes Outside of a Courtroom Setting. Discuss your case with us. Littler's Arbitration Practice Group works with hundreds of clients to design, implement, roll out, and enforce arbitration agreements. If you receive an arbitration agreement or opt-out form from your employer then you should have an employment lawyer review the documents before signing. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution where parties refer their matter to one or more neutral arbitrators for a binding determination. Arbitration is typically cheaper than litigation, so having these agreements can help limit your financial exposure in the future. You must complete the "Claimant" and "Respondent" portions on the front of a Submission Agreement.