The parties may also agree in writing to submit a contested civil dispute to voluntary binding arbitration. Fla. Stat. An arbitration agreement is a provision in a contract that stipulates that any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved through arbitration.You must complete the Request for Arbitration form and send it, along with copies of all documents requested in the form, to the Office of the Attorney General. The Authority has created forms that are templates for filing exceptions to arbitration awards and oppositions to arbitration exceptions. Learn what mediation and arbitration mean, and the pros and cons of mediating a personal injury accident case out of Florida courts. Arbitration is a quicker and less expensive option than litigation. Should you be involved in a dispute, you will need an experienced arbitrator. The program is described in the attached materials. Florida courts consider three elements when determining whether to enforce a contractual arbitration provision. The arbitration proceeding may agree in a record to extend, the time.