Arbitration agreements are frequently used in employment contracts, although some states have attempted to limit their use. Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues.We are experienced in all areas of employment law and understand both EEOC rules and arbitration procedures. In these agreements, the employer and employee agree to resolve any employment-related dispute through a binding arbitration as opposed to a jury trial. A recent court decision offers employers guidance on potential concerns that may arise in drafting and presenting employee arbitration agreements. Below are a number of model arbitration clauses from various arbitral institutions that can be used to provide for arbitration in Atlanta. A typical arbitration agreement requires you to give up your right to sue your employer in court for a violation of your workplace rights. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress. The agreement contained a carveout for the employer but not the employee to go to court to obtain a preliminary injunction.