The purpose of the Minnesota no-fault arbitration system is to promote the orderly and efficient administration of justice in this State. (a) Arbitrators shall be selected from members of the Bar who reside or practice in Hennepin County and who are qualified in accordance with Rule 5.03.Information about the Mediation process, ADR Roster, petitions, rules and policies, and frequently asked questions from the Minnesota Judicial Branch. The arbitration agreement may be a separate document or it may be included as part of the purchase agreement. You don't have to sign it. This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter. To start a case, you must use the Conciliation Court Claim Form. Filling Out the Form. You may contact the other side(s) and jointly fill out a. Employees are appealable up to and through the arbitration step of the grievance procedure contained in this AGREEMENT.