This AGREEMENT, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT, is entered into between the County of Hennepin, hereinafter. A "mandatory predispute arbitration agreement" is a contractual provision, agreed to in advance of any dispute or claim.Information about the Mediation process, ADR Roster, petitions, rules and policies, and frequently asked questions from the Minnesota Judicial Branch. (a) Arbitrators shall be selected from members of the Bar who reside or practice in Hennepin County and who are qualified in accordance with Rule 5.03. Employees are appealable up to and through the arbitration step of the grievance procedure contained in this AGREEMENT. After completing and signing the arbitration agreement, the parties must submit the document to the arbitrator or arbitration firm that they've selected. 4. For example: Image of Apply button. Are appealable up to and through the arbitration step of the grievance procedure contained in this. AGREEMENT. A judge threw out the arbitration agreement on the grounds that it was. "unconscionable. You will be charged a filing fee and law library fee.