If you need assistance filling out a form you may want to visit the Legal Information Center located in Room 203 of the Edgecomb Courthouse. You may obtain blank forms for a fee at the Court Business Center located on the 6th floor of the George E. Edgecomb Courthouse.Dissolution of Marriage is the legal term for divorce. Forms and detailed filing instructions may be viewed and downloaded here. These services are free and are designed to provide information to people who are representing themselves in family law cases in Hillsborough County. Referrals to attorneys who can assist in family law matters can be obtained from local bar associations, local legal aid organizations, and from The Florida. Mediation agreements are enforceable. A mediated agreement allows you and the other person or party to reach flexible solutions to your dispute. THE PAPERS NEEDED TO OBTAIN AN UNCONTESTED DIVORCE IN NEW YORK STATE: Notice of Automatic Orders. Attorney Beth Reineke is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Divorce Mediator.