The Request and Agreement to Arbitrate form assists members in filing for arbitration where they believe that they are the procuring cause. While some disputes are better suited to litigation vs.Arbitration, Illinois courts and law recognize and often favor arbitration. Dispute resolution clauses in contracts should be drafted to promote the negotiated resolution of disputes in a fair, timely, and costeffective manner. Arbitration is a mandatory but non-binding informal hearing where a neutral arbitrator, or panel of arbitrators, is selected to hear the evidence in your case. If you need legal assistance regarding a business contract dispute, our Chicago lawyer is ready to help. Illinois has new restrictions with respect to all employment agreement, including written arbitration agreements. Section 8 The collective bargaining agreement negotiated between the employer and the exclusive bargaining representative shall contain a grievance resolution. Each Arbitration Case is unique in its content and consequently, there is no standard "fill in the blank" complaint form available. The Employer and the Union are engaged in the process of completing a new, successor collective bargaining agreement that will cover the terms and conditions of.