Unless you are prepared to pay cash in one payment, you will sign an arbitration agreement to buy that car. Does your dealership do these forced arbitration agreements?If so, how do you approach them? This pre-printed, non-negotiable language means California car buyers cannot use the public court system to sue a dealer for fraud, breach or contract. Don't use illegible fonts in your arbitration agreements. I would start with a demand letter requesting compliance with the contract. If they do not comply, you do need to file a claim in arbitration. Submission Agreement: The Submission Agreement lists the parties in the arbitration case and confirms that FINRA will administer it. FMC moved to compel arbitration based on an arbitration clause in the sale contract signed between the petitioners and the non-party dealer. When clients have a dispute with their attorneys, lawyers are required to give their clients a notice indicating that they have an option to go to arbitration.