Although arbitration takes a lot less time than a courtroom trial, there are some significant disadvantages to this process for medical malpractice victims. Article 2: All Claims Must be Arbitrated: It is the intention of the parties that this agreement bind all parties whose claims may arise out of or relate to.This page summarizes the key medical malpractice laws in Maryland you need to understand to bring a malpractice lawsuit in Maryland. ADR Providers will be required to conduct ADR sessions in the jurisdiction where the litigation is pending. Mediation can help you and the defendant settle the case before trial. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution designed to avoid the courtroom. Your claim will be heard in front of a panel of arbitrators. Then, within 60 days after the arbitration waiver has been filed, you must file your medical malpractice complaint with the court. To round out our list, these states have passed statutes which DO apply the statute of limitations to arbitration agreements.