How do I file and serve motions and other documents? Here's a closer look at how the process works, and tips for preparing your case for a courtordered arbitration (specifically in North Carolina).An arbitration hearing is an informal legal proceeding held before a neutral court official called an arbitrator. The terms and provisions set forth in the Contract Documents shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and CMBE with respect to the purchase by. The growing use of binding, pre-dispute arbitration clauses poses a huge threat to insurance consumers. It represents a major shift in the balance of power. ​This document contains the sole and entire agreement between the parties hereto with regard to the Property. The contract period may be for up to five years. BACKGROUND. Coverage dispute based on the arbitration provision in the insurance policy. Venue for any litigation under or related to this Agreement shall be in the courts of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. c.