"A complaint for divorce may be filed in the circuit court upon the allegation that there has been a breakdown of the marriage relationship. Mediation is a settlement process that can help you resolve "contested" issues (things you and the other party don't agree on) in your court case.Arbitration agreement, where you and your spouse agree to have an arbitrator hear and decide the terms of your divorce. Under the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act, parties can agree to engage in arbitration at any time during the litigation process. Michigan Divorce Settlement Agreement. Use our Divorce Settlement Agreement to settle divorce details outside of court. In arbitration, you and your spouse agree that you'll hire a private judge, called an arbitrator, to resolve the disputes in your divorce. I'm going to talk you through a couple of basic elements or questions about arbitration. I'm going to try to give you a general overview of what it is. The level of detail included in a marital settlement agreement can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the divorcing couple and their preferences.