A Practice Note explaining how to enforce arbitral awards in Michigan state and federal courts. First, it reverses the common law rule that denied enforcement of a contract provision requiring arbitration of disputes before there is an actual dispute.Typically, an arbitration clause is located towards the end of a contract. If the contract does contain the clause you may proceed to step 2. A Michigan arbitration attorney can advise you on things like selecting an arbitrator, gathering evidence, and presenting your case. Below is a general overview of Michigan employment arbitration agreements, should you or your business require resolution of a dispute through arbitration. Revocation period, and boldface type in the agreement explains that medical treatment does not depend on an arbitration agreement. Resolve all the issues, the mediator shares with the arbitrator what agreements, if any, were reached in the mediation. Arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable Michigan Court Rules and the Michigan Uniform Arbitration Act, MCL 691.1681 et seq. Michigan employment relations commission panel of arbitrators to be an impartial.