Call 732-462-5626 - Gregory S. Schaer, LLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Mediation and Harassment cases. Our New Jersey arbitration and mediation lawyers regularly represent employees throughout New Jersey in discrimination, retaliation, and wage cases.Some civil cases go to arbitration instead of going to trial. An arbitrator will hear the case, consider evidence, and decide the outcome. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements. Mashel Law LLC provides mediation and arbitration services to employers and individuals who have a pending employment dispute. This highlights the need for employers to ensure that their New York employment arbitration agreement complies with both state and federal law. Arbitration, 732-645-4300 ext. 88170. A ruling that highlights for employers the importance of providing complete and timely responses to requests for employee personnel files. Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues.