This template allows you to draft an employee agreement to arbitrate disputes quickly and effectively in Concord. Our attorney-drafted arbitration agreement template helps settle a dispute without the hassle of court proceedings.Simplify the dispute resolution. Use a sample Motion to Compel Abritration or let the SoloSuit's software draft a customized Motion to Compel Arbitration for you. The following are basic sample clauses providing for mediation or arbitration in an employment contract. Forms ; INVENTORY STATEMENT, 5 ; JUDGMENT ARBITRATION, 1 ; JUDGMENT SUPPORT ARREARAGES, 1 ; JUDGMENT VERDICT, 1. The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. Image of Apply button. Your application template fills in the basic information for step one, and you are able to proceed with the application process steps. Common Law Arbitration.