Many nursing homes now ask residents or family members to sign an arbitration agreement when the resident is admitted to the facility. The defendant nursing home moved to compel arbitration based upon the clause in the admission agreement.The trial court denied the defendant's motion. By signing it, you agree that all disputes will be resolved via arbitration and not a lawsuit. In this article, we will discuss what an arbitration agreement is, how one can impact the signor at a later date and some new rules that will soon be emerging. A nursing home can't deny a resident admission based on the nonsigning of an arbitration agreement. They can also rescind an agreement 30 days after signing. In the nursing home context, a defense attorney can easily establish that an admis- sion agreement was executed for the res- ident's benefit. A family mem- ber is riddled with guilt and anxiety about leaving a loved one in a nursing home. Sadly, buried in most nursing home contracts today are arbitration clauses.