No information is available for this page. Combined Contract Schedules for Construction and Professional Services Contracts.To use the latest web form version please click on this link. (b) NIKE acknowledges that UNIVERSITY is party to pre-existing agreements with respect to product supply of baseball bats and baseball gloves. UNIVERSITY. The contract term, which may be awarded pursuant to this RFP, will be three years. If you are interested in becoming a Nike-authorized retailer, please review the information below to determine if an application is your next step. You can build onboarding and sales forms that include signature fields, to create signed agreements and contracts without ever touching a physical document. Dear Board Members: RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or their designee, to execute a contract (Master Contract No. Apple Store 4th Street store hours, contact information, and weekly calendar of events. Related fees, and issuing permits electronically ("Electronic Permit Service") is available at the City of Oakland Permit Center.