An arbitration clause does not have to be in your contract, and an arbitration clause can take away your right to go to court without you even knowing it! Use a sample Motion to Compel Abritration or let the SoloSuit's software draft a customized Motion to Compel Arbitration for you.An Arbitration Agreement is a written contract where two parties agree to settle any disagreements outside of court. Learn what Arbitration Clauses are with examples and samples. We've created a guide to the most common clauses found in contracts to explore in 2022. Unless you are prepared to pay cash in one payment, you will sign an arbitration agreement to buy that car. Offerors must note that all proposals and other material submitted will become the property of the state and may be returned only at the state's option. The panel of Arbitrators shall typically include a minority of Arbitrators who were or are affiliated with the automobile industry. vi. Each order should contain a fully itemized list of repairs, the cost of repairs and the length of time the car was in the shop. • Automobile and manufactured home purchase contracts.