An arbitration clause does not have to be in your contract, and an arbitration clause can take away your right to go to court without you even knowing it! A mandatory binding arbitration clause in a car loan states you agree to resolve any disputes with an arbitrator rather than the courts.Arbitration allows a neutral party to make a decision about a lemon if the consumer and manufacturer cannot reach a resolution. Unless you are prepared to pay cash in one payment, you will sign an arbitration agreement to buy that car. Dive into the Lemon Law arbitration process: Learn key insights, tips, and pitfalls. Your comprehensive guide to resolving vehicle disputes effectively. For questions on mandatory auto arbitration laws or subrogating auto insurance claims, contact Lee Wickert, with MWL, at 8006379176. No franchisor shall discriminate among the franchisor's dealers in any program that provides assistance to the franchisor's dealers. In reality, the dealership designates the arbitration company in the contract. This legislation targets certain arbitration clauses solely related to motor vehicle purchase or lease contracts.