A mortgage in principle (MIP) is a document providing an indication of how much you could borrow to buy a property. Ohio Required and Optional Forms, Waivers Relating to School-Age Instruction, Secondary Transition and Workforce Development for Students with Disabilities.Estate agent insisting I send them a copy of my Agreement in Principle in order to arrange a viewing, is this normal? A statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents of infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays in Ohio. Protect your rights as a lender or borrower in Ohio. Use our online, fully customizable promissory note template to speed up the process. Protect your rights as a lender or borrower in Ohio. Maintain your competitive advantage in Ohio. Protect your business interests with our online non-disclosure agreement template. Doing so will help you figure out whether the deal is a good choice if you're looking to buy a home.