To initiate fee arbitration, you need to complete a Petition to Arbitrate a Fee Dispute and pay the appropriate filing fee. The Court and others offer a variety of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes to help people resolve disputes without going to trial.Listed below are fee arbitration forms and resources for attorneys. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements. Preparing for Arbitration Most civil disputes are resolved without filing a lawsuit, and most civil lawsuits are resolved without a trial. In the absence of agreement, the LCIA Court will consider the complexity of the case and any comments that the parties may have on the number of arbitrators. Which documents should I submit when I file a petition to arbitrate a fee dispute (Orange County, California)? On appeal, defendants contend the arbitration agreement had minimal procedural unconscionability and no substantively unconscionable provisions. Be released from duty without salary reduction to review the file.