Arbitration agreements in nursing home cases have become increasingly common in California as a way for the industry to conceal wrongdoing. Below is a sample nursing home arbitration agreement.This was the agreement language between FutureCare and our client's deceased mother. Most nursing homes are now including among those documents something called "arbitration agreements", often buried into the admission agreement. Arbitration agreements in nursing homes are contracts that residents or their representatives may be asked to sign during the admissions process. Many California nursing homes ask residents or their family members to sign arbitration agreements as a part of the admissions process. This agreement removes a senior's right to take the nursing home to court in any cases of negligence, abuse, or other wrongdoing. A nursing home arbitration agreement stipulates that any dispute between the family of a resident and the facility be submitted to binding arbitration. Do You Have to Sign an Arbitration Clause to be Accepted in a LongTerm Care Facility? Home " Arbitration Agreements.