The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration. An agreement to arbitrate a controversy on a nonjudicial basis shall be conclusively presumed to be an agreement to arbitrate pursuant to Subchapter B.If all parties agree to your request, you must complete an Adjournment of Hearing form and cover sheet. In the event a grievance cannot be resolved, some labor contracts allow for arbitration to settle the grievance. If you would like to participate in Mediation please fill out the Agreement to mediate form along with your Request for Arbitration paperwork. PAR's Buyer Agency Contract includes all of the legallyrequired language and allows for a buyer's broker fee to be structured in several ways. This agreement to arbitrate will be final, binding and conducted under the Pennsylvania Revised Statutory Arbitration Act. § 4904, relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. Dated. Plaintiff. DISCLAIMER. Complete this form to start arbitration under an arbitration agreement in a contract. Section 7375 - Arbitration agreement (a) Requirements.