An agreement to arbitrate a controversy on a nonjudicial basis shall be conclusively presumed to be an agreement to arbitrate pursuant to Subchapter B. Contractual arbitration is a means of bypassing the judicial system and is voluntary in the sense that the parties have entered into an agreement to resolve.What is Arbitration? An agreement to arbitrate a child custody dispute or child support dispute, which arises between the parties after the agreement is made is unenforceable. This agreement to arbitrate will be final, binding and conducted under the Pennsylvania Revised Statutory Arbitration Act. Arbitration. In the event a grievance cannot be resolved, some labor contracts allow for arbitration to settle the grievance. Typically, an arbitration clause is located towards the end of a contract. If the contract does contain the clause you may proceed to step 2. If factfinding has been initiated, the parties shall complete factfinding before requesting final bestoffer arbitration.