(a) Arbitrator's Decision. Within 10 days after completing the hearing, the arbitrator must: (1) file a notice of decision with the court;You can use AZTurboCourt to electronically file a new case or documents into an existing case in Pima County Superior Court. A person that brings a lawsuit in Arizona is required to fill out a form stating the type and estimated value of damages they seek. I am filing in opposition to the permanent adoption of FASTAR rules in Pima County. For a copy of the User Agreement click HERE. The parties must also acknowledge in the written agreement that the private mediator has received a copy of Pima County Local Rule 3.10. 3d 1044 (2005), the Supreme Court upheld the enforceability of an arbitration clause in a contract between home purchasers and a home builder. The NCSC used the Case. Look Up function on the Superior Court in Pima County website to identify the FASTAR Choice in effect at the time of final disposition.