Arbitration is like an informal trial or hearing. The parties present evidence and arguments to their arbitrator, who is an attorney or retired judge.File the attached "Stipulation for ADR" along with the Case Management Statement, if all parties can agree. 3. COMPLETE both pages of the Request for Arbitration of a Fee Dispute form. Attach a statement to describe your fee dispute with the attorney. All parties in an action must agree to participate in arbitration before the case is submitted to the office of the RCBA Dispute Resolution Service (DRS). How Do I Request Arbitration Of A Fee Dispute? A court would likely set aside any arbitration award due to potential bias and a failure to maintain fairness and neutrality in the arbitration process. A hearing on jurisdiction and merits in the above case is scheduled to take place before a threemember arbitral tribunal from 1 to 12 July 2024. The Resolution Center, now located in Citrus Towers on University Avenue, will offer expanded support for clients in the Southern California region.