The CONTRACTOR agrees to extend the same pricing, terms, and conditions as stated in this. Please see the attached contract for specific tasks and scope of services.Impact on Residents and Businesses. The Director of Medical Education and the Program Director for the Fellowship Program shall administer this contract on behalf of RUHS-MC. 3.0. Compensation. A performance agreement is a type of contract between the University and an Artist or Speaker. Residents are entitled to select representatives with voting rights, to participate on the RUHS-MC committees of GME, patient care review, and other committees. The University of California, Riverside Guide to Contracting (Guide) is designed to assist campus personnel. Contracts. If you are looking for specific contract language, how to read insurance documents, or hold harmless language, explore this page. Inspections necessary to complete the Work, unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Every contract faculty member shall be evaluated formally during the first semester of employment and in the fall semester of each of the following three years.