We have provided templates of several standard agreements for sponsored projects that require guidance from Sponsored Projects Officers when being used. Tenant agrees to lease from Owner the premises located in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, described as Parcel no. 00-00-000-000-0000.GENERAL PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT: The general purpose of this Agreement is to provide American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Coronavirus State. A contract is formed when there is (1) an agreement; (2) for exchange of value; and (3) sufficient terms. Examples include memorandums of understanding, affiliation agreements, rental agreements (parties renting space from SLCC), revenue agreements. You will need forms for the various permits that are required. Keep in mind, filling out these worksheets and forms is NOT equivalent to applying for a permit. Putting the contract under the microscope. PARTIES: This contract is between Salt Lake Community College, a body politic and corporate of the. In the event action is required to enforce this agreement, I agree to pay all costs including late fees, collection costs, and reasonable attorney's fees.