This article will explore the use of arbitration agreements in California employment law cases and the implications for both employers and employees. Fill out and sign the enclosed REQUEST FOR ARBITRATION OF A FEE DISPUTE.Resources and information to help you navigate your court case, including step-by-step guides for following procedures and help with understanding your options. Drafting an enforceable arbitration agreement in California demands a nuanced understanding of both statespecific and federal laws. Although arbitration agreements mean that a case must be resolved through arbitration, not all agreements are enforceable. A California rule that allows a consumer to use small claims court instead of arbitration in consumer disputes without the approval of the company. Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues. Our panel of arbitration specialists can assist in resolving disputes over attorney fees. For information please contact the Bar Office at 909 885 1986. Our attorney-drafted arbitration agreement template helps settle a dispute without the hassle of court proceedings.