Pre-arbitration briefs are necessary. Judicial arbitration is a binding or non-binding process where an arbitrator applies the law to the facts of the case and issues an award.This fee arbitration program is an informal, confidential, impartial, and lower cost avenue for resolving fee disputes between lawyers and clients. JAMS San Diego Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services. 401 B Street, Suite 2100, San Diego, CA 92101. 619-236-1848. Complete the Client's Request for Arbitration of a Fee Dispute Application and Arbitration Agreement. Statement of Facts and upload additional attachments. Hoge Law Firm in San Diego, CA, can connect you with a lawyer who can protect your best interests in arbitration. If a business contract is written correctly and broadly enough, then the contract can have a retroactive effect. Many companies have implemented alternative dispute resolution programs, many of which include employment arbitration agreements.