CAR mediation and arbitration provisions are designed to promote efficient and cost-effective resolution of disputes in real estate transactions. Most standard form purchase agreements include two alternative dispute resolution provisions: arbitration and mediation clauses.This post explains what arbitration is, the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration, and how to compel an opposing party to enter into arbitration. CAR offers a wide range of forms that cover various aspects of real estate transactions, leases, disclosures, and agreements. A: The Lemon Law covers the following new and used vehicles that come with the manufacturer's new vehicle warranty: • Cars, pickup trucks, vans, and SUVs. I have an Arbitration clause. Would be making to its Residential Purchase Agreement ("RPA") in December of 2022. MVPA - Free download as PDF File (. Just fill out the simple form and we'll do the rest. Depending on what you accept as a fair offer, our dealers may come to you to pick up your car.