Listed below are fee arbitration forms and resources for attorneys. Fill out the contact form or call us at (510) 452-5000 to schedule your free consultation.Arbitration is essentially a paid private trial, in other words, a method to resolve disputes without going to court. This agreement contains important information regarding your deposit accounts (share accounts) and related electronic financial services. Mandatory arbitration agreements can now be find in virtually every contract consumers sign. The Fee Arbitration Program provides clients and attorneys with a simple method to resolve fee disputes without going to court. Even though you've signed this arbitration clause, there may still be a way to avoid arbitration and reclaim your right to sue in court. Thanks to this lawyers l got what l should gotten nine years ago they are the best in the bay area. Thank you and God bless you guys. Decision requires arbitration agreements to be clear and conspicuous to users in California purchasing automatically renewing online subscriptions.