An arbitration agreement is used when a dispute arises between two parties that cannot be resolved through mutual negotiation. Our arbitration agreement templates can be fully customized to allow you to tailor them to your needs.For completed examples of some legal forms, see our Self Help Form and Sample Packets page. Handwritten forms are hard to read. Arbitration agreements have become a common feature in employment contracts across the United States, including California. Arbitration clause is a contractual clause that specifies arbitration as the method for resolving disputes, avoiding court litigation. Legal notices and invoices pertaining to this Agreement shall be sent to the appropriate contact person. Our original ClauseBuilder online tool assists individuals and organizations in developing clear and effective arbitration and mediation agreements. The document explained that applicants would not be considered for employment unless they agreed to arbitrate any employmentrelated disputes. An arbitration clause requires that disputing parties submit to arbitration when a dispute arises.