The Suffolk County Bar Association is the New York State approved body for reviewing and resolving Attorney-Client Fee Disputes. Suffolk Law and the AAA will create an accessible, digital process for lowcontest divorces and family law matters in Massachusetts.LIDRC provides conflict resolution services in the form of arbitration, conciliation, mediation, surrogate decision making, and training. Arbitration: Arbitration is similar to the courtroom process, but with fewer formalities and more flexible evidence rules. Need help with a legal question in NYS specifically Suffolk County. Need to identify if I can and how to petition to. A written agreement to submit any controversy to arbitration is enforceable regardless of the justiciability of the underlying controversy. Suffolk County Approved ADR Programs. Agreement Resources, LLC Remote services available, contact provider for specific information. The ODR Innovation Clinic targets a pressing issue in the legal system: the growing number of unrepresented litigants in family law cases.