No information is available for this page. Rent-to-Own Lease Agreement – Standard residential contract with an added clause that allows the tenant to buy the premises.THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to as the "Texas Lease Agreement") is made and entered into this ____ day of. A Texas lease agreement is a contract that grants a tenant the right to occupy a residential or commercial property in exchange for the payment of rent. 1. Provide the landlord's and tenant's full names. Make a checklist of the condition of the property and any furnishings when you move in. (Most properties will provide you with an inventory and condition form). The Texas rental lease agreements are designed to bind landlords and tenants together in a residential or commercial rental arrangement. A Texas residential lease agreement form is a standard document that a landlord provides a tenant for the rent of their property. Visit the PDFliner website and get a copy of the rental lease agreement Texas template.