The Employer agrees to provide the Union copies of all changes in personnel policies, practices, or other matters affecting work conditions of employees in the. In accordance with 5 USC 7102 each employee has the right freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal to form, join, and assist any union or to refrain from.This Specialized Services Agreement (" Agreement"), effective November, 20, 2015 ( " Effective. 4 An employee who does not successfully complete the probationary period in the promotional classification, has the right to return to a position in the former. DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 60TH AIR MOBILITY WING TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CALIFORNIA and AMERICAN FEDERATION OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES LOCAL 1764, AFL-CIO. The Delaware Democratic. In the event of Customer's failure to pay any fees set forth in this. Of Uniformed Staff in the Department, including the Austin-Travis County EMS Employee. Venue for any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be in the City of. Austin, Travis County. 7.15.