An arbitration agreement is a legal contract that exists between a patient and a medical provider (or their medical insurance company). Arbitration is a commonly used form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).ADR is a process for resolving disputes outside of the public court system. The Utah State Bar maintains a Fee Dispute Committee for the purpose of providing a procedure to resolve fee disputes between clients and their attorneys. The RUAA cannot change the federal law that precludes it from singling out agreements to arbitrate for special limitation. Therefore, the matter of arbitral. Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. If the mediator determines that the parties are unable to participate meaningfully in the process or that a reasonable agreement is unlikely to be achieved,. Individuals and companies enter into a mutual agreement to arbitrate claims as a means for keeping their disputes and resolutions out of the courts. If the original contract included an arbitration clause, it means that both parties agreed not to pursue legal action in court against the other.