Under Virginia law, parties to a dispute may agree to submit their differences to arbitration. The Virginia Supreme Court, in a divided opinion, enforced an arbitration provision that it acknowledged is based on "permissive" language.If you want to arbitrate your fee dispute, you must sign an Agreement To Arbitrate. In a recent decision, the Fairfax County Circuit Court rejected the enforcement of an arbitration clause in a trust agreement. Reach Out to a Virginia Business Arbitration Lawyer Today. Many business contracts require parties who come into conflict to submit to binding arbitration. It means that in Virginia, any two parties can agree to waive their right to a jury trial, and submit all disputes to Arbitration. On that form you will state the amount of the fee in controversy and give a brief explanation of your position in the dispute. Written contracts may contain an arbitration clause. By using such a clause, the parties agree to arbitrate any future disputes.