Written contracts may contain an arbitration clause. By using such a clause, the parties agree to arbitrate any future disputes.Notice of Intent to Arbitrate Form. Attach copies of both the notice of payment and payment, if both are available. Send a copy of this completed form to the AAA together with: • A clear, legible copy of the contract containing the parties' agreement to arbitrate disputes;. Arbitration is a process in which disputing parties submit their respective cases to a neutral third party (ie the Arbitrator) who renders a decision. Consider whether the arbitration clause should be "broad" or. "narrow. Under Virginia law, parties to a dispute may agree to submit their differences to arbitration. The court determines the existence of a valid arbitration agreement under Virginia contract law, which requires mutual assent (see Phillips v. RIGHT TO REVOKE: You can always agree to arbitrate or mediate a claim after you have filed suit, but under Va.