Under Virginia law, parties to a dispute may agree to submit their differences to arbitration. For more information about arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, please contact John at (434) 817-3100.In a recent decision, the Fairfax County Circuit Court rejected the enforcement of an arbitration clause in a trust agreement. It means that in Virginia, any two parties can agree to waive their right to a jury trial, and submit all disputes to Arbitration. While you should consult with an attorney about specific provisions, here are some frequently asked questions about arbitration agreements. If you wish to file a fee dispute, please complete the Request for Agreement to Participate Form so that we may send you the appropriate information. A binding arbitration clause is a provision written into a contract between two parties that requires them to settle disputes through binding arbitration. Binding arbitration agreements require arbitration decisions to be final and binding and can only be appealed in very limited circumstances. Fill out the form to access a sample of Practical Guidance.