A consumer can only request the Attorney General to issue a subpoena for documents and records when you submit your Request For Arbitration. When you submit the Request For Arbitration form you must include copies of all designated documents, records, and itemized repair orders., Motion to Compel Arbitration. For questions on mandatory auto arbitration laws or subrogating auto insurance claims, contact Lee Wickert, with MWL, at 8006379176. Think you have a lemon, click here to fill out a 30 second form. Summary: To file a Motion to Compel Arbitration, draft a Petition with background facts, arbitration agreement details, and lawsuit parties. If the defendant does not respond to your claim filed in the small claims department, you should fill out a "Request for Default Judgment" form. The "purchase price" for a leased vehicle means the actual written capitalized cost disclosed to the consumer as contained in the lease agreement.